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World Day Dedicated to Recycling of Packaging Material

15th of November 2016

Europe: an all-time high reached for steel packaging recycling rate

Recycling of steel packaging in Europe has reached a new all-time high of 76% as announced by APEAL, the Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging, in June 2016. This record rate confirms steel as Europe’s most recycled packaging material for the 10th consecutive year and sees the recycling rate of steel packaging way above any other packaging materials. On this special day we would like to attract your attention to the Circular Economy video animation created by APEAL (viewable at the right-hand side of this page).

France: 4 out of 5 beverage cans recycled (within the “Boîte Boisson” programme)

The French association “Boîte Boisson” takes the opportunity to promote on this special day their programme of raising awareness to the importance of beverage cans recycling - "Every Can Counts".

Recyclable to infinity, steel cans represent a real asset for the environment and today. 4 out of 5 beverage cans are recycled in France, compared with 3 out of 4 before. The members of “Boîte Boisson” have developed the programme "Every Can Counts" to instruct the general public on beverage cans recycling, mainly outside households. As there is a lot of communication on the benefits of sorting steel packaging consumed at home, the "Every Can Counts" programme particularly focuses on recycling packaging used outdoors. The scheme has already reached 9.4 million French people who recycled more than 34 million cans, representing more than 2.200 tonnes of CO2 saved. The programme is continuing to expand and today “Every Can Counts" is present everywhere in France, on more than 1.500 participating sites and with nearly 500 dedicated events.

Beverage cans possess many environmental qualities and the professionals of the “Boîte Boisson” want to make it known to consumers of tomorrow. That is why they have decided to address more specifically children and make them aware of the sorting and recycling of beverage cans, as well as all the positive aspects of this sustainable packaging. Two special documents were produced: one in partnership with the “Le Petit Quotidien” for 6-10-year olds and the other for 10-14-year olds in cooperation with “Mon Quotidien Environnement”. The leaflets include many pedagogical games and information on the modes of the production of the can: materials, method of collection, recycling, qualities, etc. The two beautifully illustrated documents also invite children to participate in a contest. To participate, the little ones will take a picture of their robot made from beverage cans and the older ones will draw an object, a character, a landscape made from recycled cans.

Copyright banner picture: tobkatrina (shutterstock)