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… that steel for packaging keeps the environment safe?

Thanks to steel’s high strength and resistance, using steel for packaging ensures a safe barrier. Indeed, a can does not break or leak and is therefore one of the best solutions to ensure safe handling and storage of hazardous goods. Hence, the advantage is two-fold. Steel packaging both protectsthe environment from the potential aggressive substances it may contain and protects its content from the environment (impact, bacteria, light, water or air…).


The perfect "Steel barrier"

1. The most secure solution for flammable products: Steel does not burn as quickly as other packaging materials and offers a long-time fire resistance. Good to know!

2. The most appropriate solution for long-time containment of paints, solvents, gases or other flammable combustible products or potentially aggressive substances.

3. Steel for packaging is impermeable and solvent-resistant.

4. Steel is fully compliant with all national and local regulations on hazardous goods!


So when it comes to containment for hazardous goods, think steel! Wink


To discover more interesting facts about steel, visit


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