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ArcelorMittal committed to steel packaging recycling

Recycling household steel packaging

EU Directive 94/62/CE dated 20/12/1994 on Packaging & Packaging Wastes to harmonise national programmes concerning the management of packaging and packaging wastes to acheive a high level of protection of the environment and garantee the functionning of the internal market.

Member states shall put into place measure to sort, recover, valorise and recycle packaging waste according to defined objectives - through the creation of state approved institutions.

Here are some examples:

  • In France: Eco-Emballages
  • In Spain: EcoEmbes
  • In Belgium: FostPlus
  • In Luxembourg: ValorLux


Household packaging steel recycling is performed via several channels:

  • Incineration
    Steel packaging incinerated with non segregated wastes are sorted by magnetic tools from bottom ashes, then shredded to obtain steel scrap "E46" which will be recycled to a new steel.
  • Kerbside collection
    Once thrown away by the consumer, used packaging (cardboard, plastic, metal, etc.) are separated by material in a sorting center. Steel cans are compressed and delivered to the steel plants to be recycled in a new steel.
  • Composting
    The treatment of household waste by methanisation or composting allows to gather and recycle all packaging steel, after being separated from organic wastes, cleaned and crushed. This is currently considered as an experimental standard being caraterised in collaboration with Eco Emballages.


ArcelorMittal shares with can makers and users the Enlarged Producers Responsibility (REP) to make the household packaging steel recycling a reality.

In France, 77.5% of packaging steel has be recovered in 2010.

ArcelorMittal Recycling Department manages in the frame pf Eco-Emballages and Adelphe conventions the recovery and effective recycling of household steel packaging issued from the kerbside collection and incineration via contracts signed with municipalities.

In Spain, 240kt, i.e. 85% of packaging steel were recovered in 2011. In this country, 42% of the material comes from composting plants, 27% from kerbside collection, 14% from incineration, the remaining coming from scrap yards.

ArcelorMittal is member of EcoAcero, the association for recycling of steel for packaging in Spain.

Recycling industrial packaging steel

Since July 1994, regulations in France stipulate that industrial and commercial waste (DIC) have to be recovered in its entirety by the final users.

Trade unions and federations, which group together all the manufacturers of industrial steel packaging, created "Recyclacier Emballage” (Steel Packaging Recycling) in 1995. Through audits performed in the recycling plants, the Recyclacier label is delievered to demonstrate the compliance with recycling regulations. 

France - CIEMRA


On this section, you will find all the information you need to know on steel and its environmental credentials.

Also, available for ordering for schools, sorting centres, municipalities, "La Boite à Malice" a fun tool dedicated to childrens from 6 to 12 years-old to educate them and raise awareness about the importance of recycling.

More about Ciemra