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Will steel be your valentine too?

February 14th, Valentine’s Day. The perfect occasion to spend quality time with your loved one enjoying a good dinner, having a glass of champagne or fizzy drink and sharing gifts. Did you know that steel can help to make this moment even more perfect?

Steel, a perfect ally for an enchanted Valentine’s evening

Celebrating love with a bottle of champagne or a fizzy drink… Thanks to steel! Did you know that the disc on the bottle is made of steel? That very important part under the wire hood that secures the cork, is the guarantee that your moment will not been ruined by an uncontrolled cork that would pop up unexpectedly.

Fun fact - It takes six counter-clockwise half-turns to open a bottle of champagne. Ready to try it out with your beloved?

Among many other things that are given and shared during that evening, the most “classic” of all might be a box of chocolates. And here again, steel is your perfect ally! Steel guarantees the freshness of the sweets and thanks to its robustness it keeps the chocolates safe.

A timeless and endless gift

Beyond the content, specialty packaging is a strong element due to its aesthetic appearance. Thanks to today’s printing techniques on steel and the wide range of possibilities with varnishes, total covering etc., steel can add some extra “glamour” to the moment through shiny, sparkling decorated boxes.

While offering a nice red heart-shaped chocolate box that shines and sparkles, it is not only chocolates that you give, but it is truly a timeless and sustainable gift.

Because steel gifts can have a second… an endless life. And who knows… Maybe that box of chocolates you gave will become part of the car you drive in the near future? Wink

Steel – Recycling your love!

Banner image : Martietjie /
S_Photo /
Kamil Wiewior /
Gita Kulinitch Studio /

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